Realme has launched two new smartphones Realme 5 and Realme 5 Pro in India. The initial price of Realme 5 has been kept at Rs 9,999 and Realme 5 Pro has been priced at Rs 13,999. The special thing about both these smartphones is that they have a quad camera setup in the rear. However, the primary camera in 5 Pro is 48MP, while the primary camera of Reality 5 is 12MP. Right now we are going to tell you here first impression of Realme 5. The review unit given to us is 4GB RAM and 128GB storage and its price is Rs 11,999.
First of all, mentioning the special things, here is a new Snapdragon 665 processor with a large 6.5-inch screen and a 5,000mAh battery with quad camera setup in the rear. Now talking about the body and look of the phone, it is a very big smartphone and also somewhat heavy. The reason for the weight of the phone may be to include a large battery. In the rear, there is a crystal design in diamond cut pattern here. Its body is plastic and it is quite glossy. That is, if you do not want fingerprints, then the cover has to be used.
The quad camera setup is placed in the top left in the rear. The adjacent LED flash is present and access to the fingerprint has been given on the rear panel itself. The phone is so big that you may have trouble handling one hand. Here the volume rockers are placed on the left panel, while the power button is placed on the right panel. At the bottom, you will find a port for micro USB port, speaker grill and 3.5mm jack.
Here support for Nano SIM has been provided in the SIM tray and slot users will also be available for the memory card. The dewdrop display has been given in front and the speaker grill is above the front camera. Here HD + (720x1600 pixels) display is given. According to this, colors, contrast and viewing angle are good. But the magic of Samsung's panel will not be found here either.
Talking about the software part, here, along with the App Drawer, every OS's phone will get Color OS. Many apps are preloaded with the phone itself, though can be deleted. The good thing is that the OS does not have ads. In addition to the fingerprint sensor for security in this smartphone, Face Unlock has also been supported, which works from the front camera.
Talking about performance after initial use, it has an 11nm process based Snapdragon 665 processor. However, we felt a slight lag in the regular use of app switching and camera app here. The lag is being said that because this unit is 12 thousand and before that we used Snapdragon 660 in both Redmi Note 7 and Realme 2 Pro, the old processor was faster than the new one. It is expected that the company can release optimization updates for this in the coming days. If the battery is big enough here, it will obviously support for a long time.
Talking about the camera at the end of the quick review, giving four rear cameras (12MP + 8MP + 2MP + 2MP) to the smartphone with an initial price of Rs 9,999 is really a value addition. Here you get a variety from ultra-wide angle (119-degree) to ultra-macro (4cm). However, we have tried the camera in everything from ultra macro and ultra wide to depth. Cameras are performing better at first sight. However, there is a slight lack of sharpness in the portrait. We have not yet tested the camera in the remaining low-light. Talking about selfie, this camera is of 13MP and it also performs better in day light. The only problem is that even after turning off beauty mode, it changes the actual tone of the face.
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